Betrayal didn't knock on the door politely. It was a heat seeking missle that blasted through the door to find me. It was laser guided and didn't stop until it reached me. It didn't stop until it penetrated to the deepest core of me. Then it exploded. Betrayal shatters your core, your heart, your mind, your nervous system. The blow rings through the body with so much force it feels like it will only stop if it finds a way out, only it can't, and you have to contain it's great force. Grief sets in shortly after. It cries to be heard and you're wise to let it. The mind also feels the blow and scrambles to make sense of something senseless. There is nothing so painful and damaging.
Jesus, you say you are close to the broken-hearted. Be close to me now. Ever so close. I'm in a million pieces on the floor. I feel so damaged I can't get up. I can't think. I can't process anything because everything is too much. Too bright, too loud, too intense. I shut myself away and don't come out for months until my nervous system finally thinks it's safe. But now I can't function. The pain is too great and it won't subside.
My world has been blown apart.
Be close to me, Jesus. Ever so close.